Wednesday, October 11, 2017

What do you think about nurses changing careers often?

I have been a nurse for 19 years (midlife change of careers from accounting) and I must say that I have run the gambit of jobs and specialties.  I have done a lot in my career and have seen a lot.  I think my experiences have made me a better all-around-nurse.  I am now a nurse educator and I find I can council students/patients better because I have pretty much seen it all/done it all.  I think my diversity has served me well (just wish I would have been diverse in one location for retirement purposes, lol).

Thursday, February 21, 2013

We are nurses because we love what we do!

Nurses have a very difficult job.  Think about it.....nursing school is very demanding and then we dive into our profession and are in the midst of strife, what seems like all the time.  Nurses deal with a lot of very rude people, work under stress with very little help, work long hours and get very little recognition or reward.  However, we love what we do and wouldn't change it for the world!